Friday, April 1, 2011

Tulip Madness at Filoli

I am not sure about the name of my blog anymore: I seem to have been writing about anything except roses lately... But roses are not really blooming yet here, and there is so much more to gardening than just one plant.

Potted tulips at the nursery entrance with wisteria alba and rosa banksiae lutea in the back
Filoli was originally a private estate belonging to the owner of a gold mine (my post about a trip to a gold mine), Mr. William Bowers Bourn II.

The name Filoli consists of the first syllables of the owner's motto: "Fight for a just cause. Love your fellow man. Live a good life".

View of the Georgian house from the Walled Garden

When I went there yesterday, the gardens seemed to be covered with tulips.

Tulips were everywhere: potted... the ground...

 ...interplanted with forget-me-nots ....

...meticulously deadheaded....

 ...looking absolutely perfect despite recent storms.

Somehow my garden never looks like that....

... but then again, I don't have a staff of fourteen horticulturists, student interns, and one hundred volunteers.

The gardens date back to 1917, and large plant collections are maintained.

Garden House and Sunken Garden

But at this time of year, bulbs were the queen of the show.

Drifts of daffodils produce a spectacular effect. I appreciate mass plantings very much, but can't ever hope to achieve this in my small collector's garden.

If I ever got 654 acres to play with, I would have a Daffodil Meadow too
My only consolation is that I am lucky to live close enough to a place like this, where natural beauty and a gardener's skill combined to create such a spectacular kaleidoscope of colors, textures and fragrance.


  1. Spectacular! This is why my friend from CT where I live, says that Filoli is her favorite public garden! Your photos are incredible!!

  2. Thank you, Jayne. Filoli is a beautiful garden, especially in early spring. It is one of my favorite places to visit, too.

  3. Hi Masha,
    Thank you for sharing this spectaculary foto's you hae made from this garden.
    There are real beautiful.
    We have in the Nehterlands also many of this kind of gardens and I go often to see them for new inspiration.
    I want to give you a extra compliment for your pictures. They are very good and nicely composed.
    A nice and sunny weekend, Elly

  4. What a beautiful garden! It almost leaves you breathless.

    Thanks for sharing.


  5. Thank you, Elly, for your wonderful compliments. I am sure there are gardens in the Netherlands that are just as beautiful, especially when tulips are blooming. Maybe I will get to see some of them one day:)

  6. Thank you, FlowerLady. I am glad you liked them, I planned a visit to Filoli for a long time, but nearly missed it because I haven't been feeling well - it would have been such a pity. Spring there is the best time.

  7. This is a fantastic garden! Lovely to see a garden in a climate so different from my.

  8. Thank you, Sandra. It is very different from my garden, too:). It was such a treat for me to see a well-tended garden in full bloom.

  9. This is a spectacular garden and your photos are wonderful. So much color and every plants looks in the best of health. Love it.

  10. Thank you, greenapples, I am so happy you liked this post.

  11. Gorgeous..... just love the colors, your photos are lovely.

  12. Thank you, Fawne, I am glad you liked them. I love photography more and more.

  13. Lovely! Thank you for sharing your garden trip with all of us! Good inspiration for a busy gardening weekend!

  14. Dear Masha, I want a daffodil meadow, too. Beautiful posting. P. x

  15. Thank you, Kelsey and Pam. My daffodil meadow is all of three blooms, mostly spent:)

  16. Wow, thanks for taking me on such a lovely tour! Those gardens are gorgeous! You are are very lucky to live near such a place. Carla

  17. Thank you, Carla. I am glad you got to see it, that's why I take pictures:).

  18. Thank you, Masha, very much for sharing this spectacular photos! Snow is still laying in my garden and looking at these pictures gives me hope that spring will come some day to us too... Olga.

  19. I love going to Filoli but I've never been there when the tulips are in bloom. Thanks for the nice pictures.

  20. Thank you, Olga, I am glad you liked them. What's snow:)? My kids only saw it twice in their lives, both times after a long drive. But you don't have to deal with year-round weeds and watering, so snow isn't so bad..

    Thank you, Helen, I am glad you get to go too. Spring is the best time, with their bulbs and wisterias, and peonies, lilacs, azaleas and roses. So much to see!

  21. Masha ,,,,,zazdroszczę Ci takich wypadów ,a zarazem przepięknych widoków ,,Cóż piękniejszego,jak łany pięknych kwiatów .
    Dziękuje ,że mogę je u Ciebie oglądać .
    Pozdrawiam Bogusia .

  22. Thank you, Bogusia, I can almost understand what you are saying:). I am glad you stopped by to see these pictures.

  23. Wow, they really have to seem outdone themselves this year with bulbs at Filoli! Spectacular garden, there is nothing else to say. Love the opulence! Thanks for featuring Filoli! Great photos as always!

  24. Thank you, Christina. Their bulb show is pretty amazing every year, even though this year their wisterias were a little late. I hope you will see the garden again when you come here next.

  25. Wow! The grounds at this garden are stunning and your photographs are superb! My daughter is studying horticulture and I keep trying to talk her into doing an internship in my garden but it hasn't worked out so far, Ha!

  26. WOW!! Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  27. Beauty!!! Excellent photos!

    Thank you for sharing this garden. I think this post will make me add it to my "gardens I hope to visit" list. I have seen beautiful scenes from it before, but I definitely have a weak spot for spring shows.

    I think my favorite is the purple, pink and white tulip combination by the entrance. Perfect.

    Thanks for sharing!!! Especially since I am one of the many here in the north still braving the snow!

  28. Thank you, Karin, and I agree the grounds are stunning, all it takes is a few plant collections going back a hundred year, and a staff numbering hundreds of people:)

    Thank you for your compliments, TGB, I am glad you liked them.

    Thank you, Julie. Those tulips by the entrance are my favorite too:). It is nice to know we have similar tastes. I hope you will get to visit this garden.

  29. Gosh, what a beautiful place, and your pictures are absolutely fantastic! I could look at them all day.

  30. Thank you, sweetbay, I am glad you liked them - that's why I take them!

  31. What a wonderful post ! It makes me want to plant more tulips in pots next year !

  32. Hello Masha
    I'm glad you also post about other plants than roses, so keep on showing us so many varieties of beautiful plants...
    This beautiful garden is gorgeous, isn't it the one where Dynasty has been filmed?!!!! It is reminding the famous scene in the lilly pond where Alexis & Christel are fighting together, among hats and wigs....
    Have a great week end.

  33. makes you want to move there. What is the blue flowering ground cover?

  34. What a perfectly gorgeous garden and display of the amazing tulips! I wish I could be there to see such beauty for myself!

  35. Wow! That is so lovely! And a nice consolation as I wait for yesterday's snow to melt...

    Thanks for posting this daybrightener!

  36. I think yours is the quandry of every rose lover, what to blog about in the "off season".... Love these pictures. Beautiful tulips and daffodils.....

  37. Merci, Isabelle. I was thinking like you, except for me tulips don't really last that long, so I was cured of the madness by the time I came home:)

    Merci, Gabriel, for your compliments and encouragement. I will keep it up then. I have no idea about Dynasty, but I will try to find out. Thanks for the fun comment.

    Me too, Greggo, especially if I can keep their staff (to weed, if nothing else). They used two types of flowers for ground cover: forget-me-nots, and the other I couldn't not identify.

    Thank you, p3chandan, and maybe one spring you will come and visit.

    Thank you, Daphne, I am very happy I brightened your day a little. That is my aim in posting these pictures. Your snow will melt soon and spring will come to you too.

    Thank you, RR. You are right, the off-season is always a problem. I am lucky there is so much else going on:)

  38. I have to send thanks once again for some lovely memories. I visited Filoli about three years ago with my friend Sandy when I was over visiting her. We were there in early August, so it is just wonderful to be able to see your wonderful photo's of the garden in spring.

  39. Hallo Masha,
    deine Bilder sind grandios. Vor allem die Tulpen kann ich nur bewundern.
    Liebe Grüße

  40. I am glad I brought some good memories, Gwen! Thanks for stopping by.

    Thank you, Anette. It is great to hear from you.

  41. Filoli is a fantastic place! Unfortunately, I won't be able to go there any time soon, but thank you so much for this wonderful photo tour.

  42. I am sorry to hear that, Olga. Maybe you will get to go later when the roses are blooming...

  43. Spectacular place and great pictures, Masha!

  44. Thank you, Tatyana. I am glad to hear from you again!

  45. Absolutely spectacular---I would love to get there some day. I too would have a daffodil meadow and am working on my own mini vrsion in my meadow.

  46. I am sure no one minds that you haven't restricted your blog posts to roses. Though my blog title has dogs in it, I only write about the dogs every once in a while. We haven't moved into spring here and so I really enjoyed this garden filled with daffodils and tulips. Mass plantings really make a statement when it comes to bulbs. Your photos are spectacular.

  47. Thank you, Carolyn. I would love to see pictures of your daffodil meadow - I will keep checking your blog.

    Thank you, Jennifer, I am glad you liked them.

  48. Beautiful pictures! You live in such a wonderful place with so many gorgeous gardens, it seems. I believe the last picture is a Marie Bracey camellia? Mine is blooming right now, and it looks just like that. I can't wait for your roses to start blooming - but right now, pictures like this is absolutely fabulous!

  49. Thank you, HolleyGarden. I am not sure which camellia it is, thanks for an id suggestion.

  50. Nice show. I love tulips and they are my favorite flower to get as a cut flower. We can't grow them here :( its a bummer. We'll we can, they just rot and are effectively annuals. Very expensive annuals.

    These here are amazing.

  51. Stunning! No other words... :)

  52. Jess, same here, except here most tulips don't get enough winter chill and don't come back. Expensive annuals, as you said:)

    Thank you, Dona, I am glad you liked them.

  53. Przepiękne tulipany, pozdrawiam.

  54. Lovely tulips - my favourite flowers, well today anyway! My post today is about my tulips so it was fun finding you today. Christina

  55. Thank you, Talibra and Christina. Christina, thanks for letting me know, I will check it out.

  56. Thank you for sharing!!! What a lovely garden!!! Have a nice day/Gela

  57. Thank you, Gela. I am glad you got to see it.

  58. These are gorgeous. I'm especially taken with the daff meadow, too. I really enjoyed visiting Filoli last fall during the fruit tasting event. So lovely! I don't have time right now to make a trip up north, but thanks for sharing!

  59. You are welcome, Aimee, and I am glad you enjoyed it. Yes, a daffodil meadow would be great:), maybe one day...

  60. Wow. I don't need to go to Europe after all, Filoli is as gorgeous as any garden there (that would make my husband happy). It's now on my bucket list.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful photographs.

    imagardener2 on GardenWeb


I am so glad you have stopped by!