Sunday, October 20, 2013

October Rose Portraits

Autumn has come before I knew it.

Most roses grow large by the end of the season. Long canes are waving in the wind waiting to be pruned or tied down. All photos from the Heritage

The light has become softer and taking pictures is now easier.


I managed to spend a whole two hours photographing at the Heritage today, and here are some last roses of the season.

Rosa eglanteria
September Morn

Frances Ashton

Mme Caroline Testout, climbing


'Emmie Gray'

Poulsen's Pearl


Lilac Dawn

Little Mermaid

'Martha Gonzales'

Irish Elegance

And finally, some colorful displays of rugosa and eglantine hips.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Last Vintage Roses

I have been really busy of late, rushing from one thing to the next. Unfortunately, both my garden and my blog have fallen victim to this chronic lack of time.

Devoniensis. All these are roses from Vintage Gardens
 I feel lucky if I get around to watering in time to prevent the plants from wilting (it still hasn't really rained here). Days when I could spend hours taking pictures and writing up a blog post seem nothing but a memory. I miss my blogging friends a lot too...

Basye's Purple Rose

Interestingly enough, even though I often struggle to do even the most basic chores, I have somehow managed to acquire new roses.

Elie Beauvilain finally showing some fall bloom

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the fall event at the Heritage Rose Garden. This is something I look forward to every year and try not to miss. This time I only stopped by for about an hour, but one (only one!) rose still managed to sneak into my car. It is 'Forest Ranch Pom-pom', a rose found in Northern California, which hopefully means it will do well for me. I am looking forward to seeing it bloom next year.


Last week, I received my last boxful of roses from Vintage Gardens, a nursery going out of business. I got four roses they imported from France two years ago.

 Only one of my four choices didn't make it through the quarantine period. I requested instead Renaissance de Fléchère, a Fabien Ducher modern hybrid tea.

 Two of the old garden roses I received, Isabella Ducrot and Beauté de l'Europe, are some of the tiniest cuttings I ever saw (probably because these roses were much in demand), but appear to be well rooted. I have not had a chance to see these roses anywhere and am waiting impatiently for the first blooms on mine.

Left to right, Isabella Ducrot, Beauté de l'Europe (disbudded right after I took the picture), Renaissance de Fléchère, Dr. O'Donel Browne

I was very sad to learn of Vintage closing.

Etoile de Feu

I feel lucky to be able to grow and enjoy some of the unique roses they have collected throughout the years.

'Lykke Dazla'

I hope at least some of them will stay with me for a long long time.

Heinrich Wendland