Friday, July 1, 2011

Raindrops on Roses

... and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, and warm woolen mittens.... I found myself singing this song from "The Sound of Music" a couple of days ago when we had some completely unexpected but very welcome rain.

Break o'Day with nepeta

Summer rain might not be a big deal to some of you, but here in San Jose average monthly rainfall in June is 0.10 inches.

A flower of feverfew looking up at a raindrop

This month we have had all of 1.35 inches, almost half of which fell on Tuesday.

Geranium 'Rozanne' tumbling down my retaining wall

I got only a brief reprieve from watering: it is back to the 80s today, but I am very happy nevertheless: rain water is so much more beneficial to plants around here because city water is extremely alkaline and salty.

Mme. Bérard, tea-noisette

Sprinkler water often leaves white residue on leaves and some plants show quite pronounced leaf burn by summer's end resulting from salt accumulation after a long season of watering...

I liked the orderly arrangement of raindrops on the stems of this heuchera

So I hope I will be forgiven for running outside and happily snapping pictures of raindrops, such a rare and welcome sight!

Trumpet vine  - blooms cascading down with the rain

A dolphin! Or a whale? Salvia patens Blue Angel

Isabelle Sprunt, tea, not really liking the rain... The mildew is gone, but blackspot came to replace it...

Beautiful ripe hips on Purple Pavement, a rugosa


  1. Kwiaty w kroplach deszczu są piękne i szczęśliwe,że deszcz je umył i ochłodził.Pozdrawiam ciepło

  2. I love summer rain! (I live in a winter rainfall area, so also welcome summer rain!) Your photographs are all beautiful - such beautiful flowers.

  3. My garden would need some rain too ... Lovely pictures !

  4. What absolutely gorgeous photos, every one of them. We've been getting some much needed rain also, and everything is happier including this gardener. :-)

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  5. Really beautiful images Masha. Just stunning. The rain makes everything so fresh and new. We too get little rain in June/July normally, but this year has been a wet one and the garden is loving it.

  6. Very nice, Masha! I love the image of a feverfew looking up at a raindrop!

  7. I have Purple Pavement as well; a great Rugosa; well-behaved and, as you noted, the hips are fabulous.

  8. Thank you, Giga.

    Christine, you know what I mean then. Rain was great, even though I am back to supplemental watering already.

    Dani, thank you, and I hope you get rain too!

    FlowerLady, thank you, and I am happy for you too.

    Donna, thank you for your compliments, I hope my garden also shows some signs of benefitting from the rains.

    Tatyana, thank you, that was my favorite image too.

    Professor, I am glad you do. I agree it is a nice compact plant, and well-behaved (except for suckering...)

    Agea, thank you and welcome.

  9. Flowers always look exquisite with raindrops on them. Could you send some rain here too?

  10. Masha, I can totally relate to your joy about summer rain, I wish we would get some, too, but nada so far. Some of your photos are really artistic and give a fresh perspective on the often photographed rain drops like the one with the feverfew and the raindrops on the heuchera. Thanks for the exciting visual feast!

  11. Carolyn, I wish.... We only had enough to last us two days without supplemental water.

    Christina, thank you for your compliments, they are much appreciated. I enjoyed taking those pictures.

  12. I've been dead-heading my roses almost every day (because it makes me feel like a proper gardener!). I'd forgotten how beautiful the rosehips can be.

  13. B-a-g, I understand. Deadheading roses is a great excuse for me to walk in the garden. I deadhead everything except rugosas because their hips are the most beautiful.

  14. Pięknie wyglądają roślinki skąpane w deszczu ,bardzo dobrze ujęłaś kropelki deszczu .Mascha u mnie nie widziałam jeszcze milinu białego z różowym gardłem ....jest cudowny .
    Pozdrawiam Bogusia

  15. Thank you, Bogusia, I am glad you liked them.

  16. Your photos are all lovely but I particularly love the Heuchera pic!

  17. Thank you, thesproutling. I am glad you took a look at these pictures.

  18. Hi Masha. I love pictures of raindrops or water drops on flowers. Yours are spectacular! The roses are so beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. So glad you got rain! Something to rejoice about! It does make such a difference. The plants love rain - they seem to only tolerate watering! Beautiful pics.

  20. Thank you, Lona, I am glad you liked them.

    Holley, you are so right about rain and sprinklers... I hope your well gives your garden enough water, I am looking forward to hearing about the progress of that project.

  21. Wonderful post dear Masha!!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  22. Just gorgeous~ Glad you got some much needed rain! I absolutely love that trumpet vine. Ours are dark red and yellow... I've never seen one that color!

  23. Masha: Your plants look extremely happy with that fresh, natural shower! Stunning photos, and indeed you must be forgiven--and in fact encouraged--to dance in the rain whenever possible if you capture so many enchanting photos that way!

  24. Grazie, Monica, for the compliments and wishes.

    Cathy, we have the red and yellow ones too. I think most people like them in brighter colors, which is why perhaps the pink one is harder to find...

    Beth, thank you for the encouragement, it is much appreciated.

  25. Wonderful photos, and, believe me, those raindrops look good to me. We had a drought through much of June, and with the intense heat, plants really suffered. We have had a little rain since then; we always hope for late afternoon thunderstorms.

    BTW, my youngest son now lives in Cupertino, and he brags about your cool summer temps!

  26. Deb, thank you, and I hope you get more rain. Cupertino is a little closer to the bay and so is cooler than San Jose. The Bay Area is full of different micro climates, it makes living here so interesting.

  27. Thank you, Aszka, and nice to meet you.

  28. Masha, your plants look like they enjoyed the rain. I will check out and see if I can send you some of ours.

  29. Masha,so lovely raindrop pictures.You have so beautiful plants in your garden,love them<3

  30. Usually only .1" for the month of June ~ that is astounding. Glad for you that you got some rain. Your photos are gorgeous!!

  31. Superbes photos Masha ! Un vrai plaisir pour les yeux ! Félicitations et merci !
    Amitiés florales,

  32. Sweetbay, yes, we are on watering duty from May till November...

    Laurence, merci!


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