How I love this rose! Such sumptous blooms, so perfect in bud, so lush and generous when fully open, with a touch of lemony yellow on the inner petals and a powerful fragrance.
It took me dozens of pictures of the plant at the Heritage (it was in bloom every time I came) to realize just how lovely this rose is. I don't own it yet, but that's about to change: my little band should arrive this spring and I will happily embark on another exciting journey of growing a new rose.

Snowbird is a Hybrid Tea bred by Robert Hatton in 1936. It lives under different names, such as 'Rockville Road Cream Tea', a study name given to a rose at the Heritage which turned out to be Snowbird, or 'Louise Ave. White Hybrid Tea', a rose rustled in the San Fernando Valley, and which may also be Snowbird.
I am not a judge of attribution made by people much better versed in rose identification, but I have to mention one thing. The rose grown at the Heritage as Snowbird (picture below) is a smallish spreading bush, which also agrees with the description of this cultivar provided in the Vintage Gardens rose book.
Both 'Rockville Rose Cream', and 'Louise Ave.' are tall narrow shrubs, very different from known Snowbird. They could just be more vigorous "clones" of Snowbird, or maybe the attribution will be reviewed. I personally consider a small healthy prolific rose to be a gem for a tiny garden, and will happily find space for it in mine.
Masha, these photos of Snowbird are too beautiful! They made it clear to me that I really need to get this rose for myself :-).
I am glad, Christina! I am sure you can find room for one more:-). Thank you for stopping by.